If a cleaning company wants to be in the big leagues, it is best to aim for a big fish when expanding further. Schools are one target among a sea of larger clients that could provide a cleaning service provider with a plethora of benefits. Schools nowadays require constant cleaning around their larger and larger facilities, necessitating the need for a great cleaning company.
If you are looking to understand how to get cleaning contracts with schools, it is important to be prepared and understand the process involved in getting them, as it can be longer and more tedious than with other commercial clients.
This article by us at Iconic Cleaning will cover the basic steps needed to get a school cleaning contract and ensure successful collaboration with the client.
Why Schools Are A Good Target To Aim For
Cleaning companies are continuously looking for new target markets to focus their attention on, and school cleaning contracts are becoming increasingly popular. Schools have always been seen as a great target market for cleaning companies, as schools require large amounts of maintenance and cleaning, allowing contract cleaners to expand their client base with the right strategy.

Furthermore, large educational facilities often outsource their activities, which can yield sizable returns for cleaning contractors when a contract is signed. The size of school premises also increases the potential for increased profits quickly due to economies of scale, meaning more space to clean methodically and efficiently in a shorter amount of time.
Basic Steps to Get A School Cleaning Contract
School cleaning contracts offer several benefits for professional cleaning businesses, from reliable contract income to steady business growth. Because of the importance of hygiene and safety in school settings, cleaning the premises correctly is key to winning the trust of more clients.
What to prepare:
To get a contract for cleaning schools, a contractor needs to have years of experience within the sector and be confident in providing an effective service. Having a long-term relationship with clients is also important when selling products or services, as they can rely on your team’s quality performance. Moreover, having effective marketing tools such as emails, a website/social media presence, or a direct sales approach can also be beneficial in obtaining more contracts.
What to do:
These are certain steps that you need to take to increase your chances of success in getting cleaning contracts with schools.
- Define the Scope of Work
Many components need to be covered in a bathroom cleaning contract, so it is important to have an understanding of what you’re trying to accomplish. This includes the number of bathrooms/rooms in your target building, the scope of services provided during the contract, and the expected deadlines for completion.
- Develop a Proposal or Request for Work from the Contractor
Once you’ve determined the scope of work and completed your contract, it is time to develop a proposal or request for work. This will include information such as the list of services to be provided, the length of the contract, how many hours are needed for each service, and a breakdown of how the cost is determined and how long it will take.
- Review Proposal or Request for Work with the Contractor
Once you receive your proposal or request for work from the contractor that you want to hire, make sure that all terms are clear. Ask questions if necessary and make any revisions as needed before signing off on finalizing the terms and conditions of your agreement.

Differences between Getting A Cleaning Contract for A Public School vs. A Private School
Cleaning contracts for public and private schools are two entirely different types of contracts. They both involve the same core cleaning functions, but there are numerous differences in terms of what is expected from a contractor when it comes to a job at a school.
When considering which type of school contract to pursue, one must first understand the differences between public and private schools. This includes considerations such as the size of the school, whether it is publicly or privately funded, any extra services that may be required, and more. These points can play an important role in deciding whether to pursue a cleaning contract for either public or private schools.
There are also differences in approaches to cleaning services at a private school versus a public school.
To win a contract with a private school, you may need to use your networking or word-of-mouth connections with the local community or the school itself, or provide contact information via emails and flyers.

To get a cleaning contract with a public school, on the other hand, the proper approach is to first go through government paperwork for a valid license, then seek schools in need of cleaning services through contract listing sites. Remember to do the bidding work well to secure your position in the eyes of the clients.
Schools require efficient cleaning services to maintain a hygienic and healthy learning environment. With the right strategies, businesses can win school cleaning contracts and develop a solid customer base. Understanding the needs of schools and offering quality services with efficient pricing are keys to getting cleaning contracts with schools.
Furthermore, having experienced employees who understand safety protocols is essential when it comes to dealing with children and school staff. Business owners should also have experience in this industry and see how they can edge out their competitors when bidding for contracts. By taking care of all these factors, businesses can create a successful business in this sector by landing lucrative cleaning contracts for schools.
If you are seeking dependable cleaning services, Iconic Cleaning offers specialized office and commercial cleaning in Galway tailored to educational environments. Our expert team ensures a hygienic, welcoming space for both students and staff, focusing on quality and reliability. Book us for a cleaner, safer educational setting.